Ark Revival Ministries is a Christian church and community located in the heart of Texas Hill Country. Since 1990, Ark Revival Ministries has been an integral member of the community, ministering to untold thousands of local citizens in their time of need.
Founded and lead by Pastor Phil Thompson, Ark Revival Ministries welcomes you and yours to our Christian community for fellowship, worship and prayer.
In 2023, we completed our new sanctuary, seen above and below, through the generous gifts of so many in our community. This new sanctuary allows us to serve even more individuals and families than ever before.
We invite you to worship with us. Every Sunday, 1030AM, with a breakfast beginning at 10AM.
Click here if we can help you with prayer and healing.MEET PASTOR PHIL THOMPSON
From the beginning I (Pastor Phil) Caught the Fire for experiencing the presence of GOD. It is true there is No high like the MOST HIGH!
Born Again in 1987 under Pastor John Hagee’s Ministry. I was blessed to constantly drink from the fire house of excellent Bible teaching from one of the Nations best Bible teachers.
Shortly after my “Born Again” experience I was convicted to get my life in alignment with the Word of GOD. The first order of change was to marry Connie Thompson. Connie was the instrument GOD used to win my heart to the Kingdom of Heaven. Then getting my finances submitted to GOD’S will and control occurred through tithes and offerings.

In November of 1994 Connie and I went on a Life changing trip to Israel with John Hagee Ministries. Upon debarking the El Al flight to Israel there was the sense I had just arrived home. While the entire trip was illuminating touching a Wall that touches you greatly impacted me. I was blessed to spend several hours at the Western Wall experiencing HIS presence at the place of prayer. The place of prayer has been a central part of my Life as a result of this Life changing encounter with the presence of GOD!
The Western wall is the last remnant of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which was destroyed in 70 CE by Titus and the Roman legions. At the Western Wall Jews and visitors from around the world pray facing the wall, often in tears which is why some refer to the wall as the “Wailing Wall.” In fact, the wall is an ancient praying site for Jews since the Middle Ages and the sheer longevity of “The Wall” is phenomenal. This Wall is Holy and has been blessed by GOD.
A side note no one knows where the Ark of the Covenant is located, but in my humble opinion it must be leaning against the Western Wall.
After returning to San Antonio, Connie and I sought out a way to freely give what we had received through ministry. In the Spring and Summer of 1995, we attended Home Ministry Leadership Classes at Cornerstone Church. In August of 1995, Connie and I opened our Home to a six-week Care Center program that birthed our Home Ministry. We offered prayer, fellowship, a meal, worship, and the Word to whosoever GOD would bring to our Home. Connie and I sill offer prayer, fellowship, a meal, worship, and the Word to whosoever GOD would bring to Ark Revival Church in Blanco, Texas.
In September of 1995 in a prayer with GOD Connie heard a 3 Words from the LORD that has determined our Ministry to this day. Preach-Teach- &-Cook.
In June of 1997 after studying and sharing the Word of GOD every week for two years I was led to Chase GOD to The Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida. A Miraculous Life changing encounter with GOD!
Then Connie and I Chased GOD to Catch the Fire Ministries for one week training school for Soaking Prayer Centers: Monday – Saturday, March 1-6, 2004, including the “Show Me Your Glory” Conference. A Life changing encounter with HOLY SPIRIT.
Then May 3-8, 2004, I was invited back to Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship to attend “The Healing Life’s Hurts” Conference with John and Paula Sanford and Jack Frost. Reattending the Soaking Prayer School. A Life changing encounter with GOD the FATHER, HIS SON JESUS, & HOLY SPIRIT.
After Chasing GOD around the world, I have come to realize GOD is looking for people who are hot after HIS heart. GOD wants a Church of David’s who are after HIS own heart (not just HIS hand). We can seek for HIS blessing and play with HIS toys, or we can say, “No, Daddy, we don’t just want the blessings; we want YOU. We want YOU to come close. We want YOU to touch our eyes, touch our heart, touch our ears, and change us, LORD. We are tired of the way we are, because if we can change, then Blanco and our region can change too.
VisionArk Revival Ministries aka “The Ark”, “Ark Revival Church”, “Ark Church”, or “Ark” was birthed out of home ministry and a Christian Bookstore “The Ark Christian Bookstore.” After moving from Bulverde to Blanco Texas answering the call of “The Miracle on 281” we purchased and remodeled the old Theatre on the Square. We lived in the back of the theatre and moved the Ark Christian Bookstore in the front.
After, restarting our weekly Cornerstone Home Ministry in the Theatre and growing to over 100 in attendance we were asked to start a local Church. Connie and I had a meeting with Pastor Hagee and Steve Sorenson at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio May of 1999. It was decided that on the first Sunday in June of 1999 Ark Revival Ministries would hold its first Church Service.
There are countless miracle stories to tell of all that GOD has done to get us on a debt free three acres with two Sanctuaries. We sold the theatre, moved the Ark to the Courthouse, then moved to the marketplace converting Bill’s Dollar Store into the Ark, then we moved into John and Cheri Lightfoot’s Home before GOD provided for our first Sanctuary on the three acres. We have just started services in the Newly built Ark Sanctuary. All that GOD has done confirms HIS hand and presence on this ministry.
We have a vision of being a place GOD manifest HIS presence being a part of the needed Revival and Great Awakening our Nation must have to survive. We are in the process of repentance needed for a revival. We are believing the Heaven is pregnant with the largest move of GOD in the history of mankind.
Our vision is in the name of our ministry Ark Revival Ministries:
The Ark is golden box filled with the Word, Provision, and Power of GOD covered in Mercy. The Mercy Seat on the Ark was a symbolic foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice for all sin—the blood of CHRIST shed on the Cross for the remission of sins. The Apostle Paul, a former Pharisee and one familiar with the Old Testament, knew this concept quite well when he wrote about CHRISTT being our covering for sin in Romans 3:24-25: “…and are justified by HIS grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in CHRIST JESUS, whom GOD put forward as a propitiation by HIS blood, to be received by faith.” Just as there was only one place for atonement of sins in the Old Testament—the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant—so there is also only one place for atonement in the New Testament and current times—the Cross of JESUS CHRIST. As Christians, we no longer look to the Ark but to the LORD JESUS HIMSELF as the propitiation and atonement for our sins. JESUS is our ARK!
Revival refers to a Spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the Life of a believer. It encompasses the resurfacing of a Love for GOD, an appreciation of GOD’S holiness, a passion for HIS Word and HIS church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a Spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness. Revival invigorates and sometimes deepens a believer’s faith, opening our eyes to the truth in a fresh, New Way. It generally involves the connotation of a fresh start with a clean slate, marking a New beginning of a Life lived in obedience to GOD. Revival breaks the charm and power of the world, which blinds the eyes of men and woman, and generates both the will and power to live in the world but not of the world.
“Ministry” is from the Greek word diakoneo, meaning “to serve” or douleuo, meaning “to serve as a slave.” In the New Testament, ministry is seen as service to GOD and to other people in HIS Name. JESUS provided the pattern for Christian ministry—HE came, not to receive service, but to give it.
The Christian should minister by meeting people’s needs with Love and humility on CHRIST’S behalf. Christians are to minister to others out of their devotion to JESUS and their Love for others, whether the other people are believers or unbelievers. Ministry to others should be impartial and unconditional, always seeking to help others as JESUS would.
Preach-Teach-&-Cook the call is the vision! – Pastor Phil ThompsonArk Revival Church Celebrate Recovery
The Ark Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find Peace, Healing, & Freedom from your “hurts, hang-ups & habits.”
We believe everyone needs Celebrate Recovery! Everyone was born in sin, into a World @ War, & surrounded by sinners. As a result, everyone needs a community of “Wounded Healers” walking with JESUS & one another on a journey of healing, deliverance, & recovery.
Wounded Healers are people whose painful experiences enable them to help others. Wounded Healers are intercessors, good listeners, empathetic, accepting, & compassionate. They view all experiences as opportunities. Wounded healers may be inside or outside of the helping professions.
Come join us on the Healing Journey!
Regardless of your struggle, abuse, addiction, grief, wound, pain, sin, medication… From A to Z we offer a full range of Recovery through JESUS CHRIST!
Celebrate Recovery is a successful Christ Centered Program giving those struggling with negative Life experiences a New Way to process Life.
In Celebrate Recovery Groups the walking wounded study, share, pray and take the steps necessary to experience a better life.
Schedule for Celebrate Recovery at the Ark
We begin weekly meetings Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
Dinner: 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Worship: 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Message or a Testimony: 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Small Groups: 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
We are a community helping the hurting in our Community with a Christian, Bible-based and proven system that builds recovery for those struggling with addictive habits, codependency, childhood hurts, grief, and all other Life experiences that affect our Peace.
Ark Revival Ministries has been blessed by Yahweh Jireh to be a debt free ministry blessing us to give 30% of all we receive to missions! Mission work is a great way to spread God’s love, and we are fortunate to do so all over the world. We have committed to ministries we personally know are doing the work of GOD around the world.
White Stone Ministries
White Stone Ministries, Inc. was founded in 1989 in the State of Texas. White Stone is recognized by the IRS as a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. White Stone was formed to meet the needs of children who have been abandoned, orphaned, abused or neglected.
It has been said that these orphaned and abandoned children comprise the single largest harvest field for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but sadly it is generally a forgotten harvest field.
We believe that something must be done to help the lost and dying homeless children. As Christians we believe that all children deserve a home where they can be raised in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” [Eph 6:4]. This nurturing involves the whole being…spirit, soul and body. We must carry the Love of the Father to these little ones and demonstrate His Love by rescuing them and caring for them as unto the Lord.
God setteth the solitary in families… Ps 68:6
Children’s Village in Northern Uganda: Carolyn Figlioli, Base Director
Carolyn Figlioli has been in South Sudan for eight years. She is the country director for Iris South Sudan and now Uganda and also heads the Children’s Village in Uganda where the main base is now located. Currently there is one other missionary in country with her, Helga Preece. If you are hearing the call to come and join in with what God is doing here, feel free to answer it and log on to the Iris South Sudan website to touch base with her at carolynf@irisglobal.org.
Operation Blessing through CBN & the 700 Club
They are always there with needed help in response to disasters around the world & in our own USA. We can’t always go, do but we can send support to those who can and do respond to these tragic events.
The face of hunger may not be what you expect—one in five children in the U.S. lives in poverty. In fact, 43.6 million Americans are living in below the poverty line. These families have few resources for purchasing food and as a result the number of children suffering from poverty and hunger is increasing. The situation only gets worse when disaster strikes. Last year alone, there were 81 declared disasters across America—disasters that caused homelessness, hunger, and more.
Operation Blessing has warehouses in Virginia, Florida and Texas, with partner organizations across the nation.
Beginning in 1978 and headquartered in the United States, OBI provides strategic relief in 23 countries around the world on a daily basis, implementing programs that include hunger relief, clean water, orphan care, medical aid, disaster relief and community development.
The Justice Foundation
History: The Justice Foundation, founded in 1993, seeks to protect the fundamental freedoms and rights essential to the preservation of American society by providing free legal services to promote those rights.
Vision: To restore proper respect for God’s word and law to American jurisprudence, and thus restore righteousness, justice, mercy and a proper respect for God to the nation.
Mission: To pray, litigate, educate and advocate for life, liberty and justice.
Christians United for Israel
Another ministry connected to Israel is Christians United for Israel: Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States with over one million members and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. We have only 25 staff, but serve over one million members and conduct over 40 pro-Israel events every month.
CUFI Statement of Purpose: The purpose of Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is to provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, parachurch organization, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to Biblical issues.
Support Israel: As Christians, it is our duty to minister to the Jewish people in material things. “For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things,” Romans 15:27. Because of your generosity, we have been able to give over $100 million to medical and humanitarian causes in the state of Israel over the years. Will you partner with us to ensure that we are able to continue to stand with God’s chosen people? Together, we can keep Israel strong and its people safe.
Additional Ministries
We rotate support for several ministries: TBN, Daystar, Jentezen Franklin Ministries, Billy Graham, Love of a Child, Voice of the Martyrs, Joyce Meyers Ministries, Life Outreach International, Stephen Furtick Ministries.
Are you sick?
Are you hurting?
Do you need prayer?
Every member of the Ark Revival Ministries stands ready to help you with your prayers in times of need. Simply complete the form, and let us know what you would like us to pray for on your behalf, and it shall be done. You may optionally choose to include your email address and phone, but only if you wish to be contacted for further follow-up.